A Cowboy Needs Wide Open Spaces

by Paul Harwitz


A cowboy needs wide-open spaces.
A cowboy needs wild, untamed places.
A cowboy needs untrammeled trails.
A cowboy needs grassy hills and dales.

A cowboy needs meadows that have never been plowed.
A cowboy needs room to roam freely around.
A cowboy needs to be where deer and antelope abound.

A cowboy needs to be where only the grazing’s cowed.

A cowboy needs water clear, pure, and bright.
A cowboy needs to look up at the stars at night.
A cowboy needs to breathe air that’s fresh and clean.
A cowboy needs to see he’s part of Nature’s scene.

A cowboy needs the panoramic vistas of the open range.
A cowboy needs to see the seasons change.
A cowboy needs to have all these things that Nature’s arranged,
‘Cause if he doesn’t, that cowpoke’ll become plumb “de-ranged!”

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